This weekend: Bingo and Gumbo

This weekend the Schouwburgplein is all about old-fashioned fun for and with your Rotterdam co-residents! On Saturday, Marja van Katendrecht invites you to her dazzling Bingo show. Marja was proclaimed Mayor of Camping Rotterdam a few years ago and has now become the Dutch ambassador of Rotterdam. With a lot of fun she fights loneliness and connects people through fun shows, songs and a nice drink. The bingo will take place from 15:00-18:00 on the F&B Stadsterras on Schouwburgplein.

This Sunday it's time for another Gumbo Session, organized by the residents' association of the Rotterdam city center. Meet, join a jam session and enjoy a musical performance by blues and jazz singer Barbara St. James. From 14:30-17:30 on and around the stage.

The activities are free and open to everyone. See you at the Schouwburgplein!